There are a lot of benefits to buying food in-season. At Dux we’ll often substitute ingredients to reflect what’s fresh and in season.

Eating seasonally is a delicious way to enjoy our diverse range of fresh produce while supporting local farmers and reducing your environmental impact.

In the summer months, we can enjoy juicy stone fruits like peaches and nectarines, vibrant berries, and refreshing salads made with tomatoes, cucumbers, and leafy greens. In the autumn, we can indulge in the flavours of pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and hearty root vegetables. Winter brings an abundance of citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, and limes, as well as broccoli, cauliflower, and other cruciferous vegetables. And in the spring, we look forward to fresh asparagus, artichokes, and strawberries.

Eating seasonally means choosing produce that’s grown locally and is at its freshest and most nutritious. It also means supporting small-scale farmers and reducing the carbon footprint associated with importing produce from overseas.

In addition to being a healthy and sustainable choice, eating seasonally is also more affordable and budget friendly. When produce is in season, it’s often more plentiful and less expensive than out-of-season produce that has been imported from other countries.

Overall, eating seasonally is a win-win for both your health and the environment. So why not try incorporating more seasonal produce into your diet and savour the flavours of each season?

Learn more from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition through their Eating Seasonally in The Winter guide: